Nigeria to adopt The Voice Kids

Nigeria will become the 40th country in the world to air the local version of The Voice Kids. Fame TV has licensed both the adult and junior versions of the singing series, which will be produced by UN1TY.
Image source: Gallo/Getty.
Image source: Gallo/Getty.

Both versions will be aired on various platforms including NTA network, Ait, Startimes, Fame TV and Teen Africa TV, ensuring viewers can tune in across free-to-air and pay TV outlets.

Akin Salami, CEO of UN1TY, said: “These are exciting times at many levels for the creative industry in Nigeria and so, we are thrilled about the partnership opportunity with Talpa to present The Voice and The Voice Kids Nigeria to the world from a truly Nigerian perspective.

"We are looking forward to the long-term engagement opportunities for all our sponsors and we believe this is the start of even greater things to come.”

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