Home Affairs, labour negotiations get underway

Another round of negotiations is expected to get underway on Monday between the Department of Home Affairs and labour unions.
Home Affairs, labour negotiations get underway
© Robert Churchill – 123RF.com

The department has been engaged in a protracted dispute with the Public Servants Association (PSA), the National Health, Education and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) and the National Union of Public Service and Allied Workers (Nupsaw) on the issue of implementing new opening and closing hours.

This, as the department on Friday advised citizens that Home Affairs’ offices would be closed on Saturday, 1 July.

“There will be another round of negotiations scheduled for Monday, 3 July until Wednesday, 5 July, which the department firmly hopes will achieve both an interim and a long term solution to the matter.”

In addition, the department also apologised to the public for the inconvenience caused in the dispute that dates as far back as March 2015.

“Once again, the department is appealing to the union leadership to assist in resolving this matter speedily in the spirit of the settlement agreement.

“We reiterate our call that quality service delivery to our people is of utmost importance in line with our values and the sooner this matter is finalised, the better the situation will be for the public and our country,” said the department.

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