'Herbal' libido meds illegal

Four "herbal" medicines to treat low libido contain illegal and potentially dangerous ingredients, Beeld reported on Monday (6 December 2010). The drugs, Bang Bang Strongman, Maximor, Panalt and Staminafit, all contain the active ingredients of the prescription medicines, Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.

The so-called herbal medicines are freely available over-the-counter from pharmacists.

Beeld said the drugs could pose health risks to people with blood pressure and heart problems. The distributors of the medicines all denied the claims made in the report, or said if they were true, it meant their products had been falsified.

Beeld said the test results had been forwarded to the Medicines Control Council, which had not responded by the time of going to print.

The health department told Sapa it would try and respond later in the day.

Source: Sapa

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