A landmark day for SA Internet

Today, on 19 August at 9.57am, the one millionth .co.za domain name was registered in South Africa, the registration of www.vulindlela-hpt.co.za. This registration with the ZA Central Registry (ZACR) comes 20 years after there were just 450 registered .co.za domains by the end of 1995.
A landmark day for SA Internet
©icetray via 123RF

The Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for South Africa is .za, while .co.za is the second-level country code domain available for general use by South African and non-South African persons and entities.

According to ZACR CEO Lucky Masilela,"This is a landmark day for the local web. It clearly demonstrates that the South African ICT sector in general, and the domain name sector in particular, are on a firm upwards trajectory.

"ZACR has now joined a small group of registry operators worldwide who administer a six-figure domain space. Even by international standards, the one million mark is a fantastic and sought after milestone. The ZACR now joins the likes of .UK (United Kingdom), .AU (Australia) and .BR (Brazil), to name but a few, which boast namespaces over the million mark."

The ZACR operates co.za, web.za, org.za, net.za and the cTLDs (city Top Level Domains) of .capetown ('dotCapeTown'), .joburg ('dotJoburg') and .durban ('dotDurban).

Please see ZA Central Registry for the latest .za registration statistics, as well as a breakdown of the numbers according to co.za, web.za, org.za, net.za and the cTLDs.

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