SA ranked among 10 best countries to visit

South Africa is one of the 10 best countries in the world to visit next year, according to Lonely Planet.
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"Beaches and mountains, wildlife and wine, and let's not forget vibrant culture and cosmopolitan Cape Town - South Africa has long been one of the world's most alluring countries," the travel guidebook publisher said on its website.

"This year the country's many attractions will be bolstered by 'Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018: Be the Legacy', an official programme of events - some sporting, some educational, others devoted to the arts - aimed at honouring the legendary leader.

"With more to see than ever, and favourable exchange rates offering great value, 2018 is a phenomenal year to visit South Africa."

Other countries featured in the top 10 include China, Mauritius, Malta, Georgia, New Zealand and Portugal. " - TimesLIVE

Source: Herald

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