SAB Miller and Promise produce together

Promise has been appointed by SAB Miller to work on confidential projects for both SAB Miller Corporate and Product Innovation.

The agency has been working with SAB in this regard for the past several months. James Moffatt, MD Promise, comments: "We have thoroughly enjoyed the collaborative processes of the past few months. The projects have been exciting and the agency is thrilled to have earned the trust of such an exceptional blue-chip client."

Four new staff members have been appointed to join the Promise team. Zac Modirapula (Art Director), Hennie Janse van Rensburg (Senior Brand Operations Manager), Lara Matthews (Account Executive) and James Mokhasi (Designer) are a welcome addition to the Promise family.

We're an integrated through-the-line agency making clients famous with strategically sound, expertly crafted work delivered with utmost professionalism.

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