Tanzania bans newspaper for 'incitement'

Tanzania has banned a weekly newspaper for inciting violence, including stories on scrapped elections in Zanzibar, the information minister said Monday.
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The weekly Swahili-language Mawio newspaper "is banned permanently" Minister of Information Nape Nnauye said in a statement, with the shutdown applying to both the print and online editions.

Nnauye said the closure was ordered after the Dar es Salaam based newspaper received eight warnings to change its reporting, including after it printed articles warning of violence in Zanzibar after elections last year were annulled.

The newspaper also declared Zanzibar's opposition leader Seif Sharif Hamad had won the October polls on the semi-autonomous islands. Zanzibar President Ali Mohamed Shien of the long-ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) remains in power until fresh polls. No date has been set for new elections.

Source: AFP

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