Advertising News South Africa

FCB JHB takes Toyota Endurance to screen

Acknowledging that Toyota Hilux owners enjoy seeing their bakkie of choice put through its paces, FCB Johannesburg has compiled a 30-second television commercial featuring dramatic footage from last year's 72 Hour Hilux Endurance Speed Test.

The commercial, conceptualised and overseen by FCB Johannesburg's creative team of Gerhard Myberg and Eliot Powell with Velocity Films' director Giacco Angellini, has flighted on all major television stations in the country.

The concept is simple but true to the Toyota Hilux owner's need to see his, or her, vehicle perform in challenging conditions. The 72 Hour Hilux Endurance Speed Test challenges the values true to the Hilux brand and proves that it has winning toughness.

In the commercial, a commentator describing the records achieved by the participating vehicles is laid over dramatic action shots of the Hilux being put through its paces at the Gerotek high-speed track west of Pretoria during a Gauteng heat wave. The ad finishes as the voice-over artist explains that the eight pick-ups cumulatively covered a distance equating to more than twice around the world over a period of 72 hours, with the Hilux 2700i Raised Body Raider having covered a distance roughly equivalent to driving from Cape Town to Iceland. As he says this, professional driver Apie Reyneke, seen driving a Hilux around the Gerotek track, says 'Pretty hot for Iceland'.

The 72 Hour Hilux Endurance Speed Test formed the centrepiece for one of the largest Toyota South Africa-organised promotional events in the 42-year history of the company.

On the Saturday and Sunday several hundred dealers and their customers as well as co-sponsors of the record run had the opportunity to test drive 44 vehicles in the Toyota range at five different Gerotek venues, from the skidpad and dynamic handling track to a variety of 4x4 facilities. Another highlight of the four-day event was the launch of the new RAV4 range to dealers, fleet-owners and members the media.

According to a key account manager on Toyota SA business at FCB Johannesburg, Stefano Contardo, the objective of the test was to prove the Hilux's quality and durability in extreme conditions. Eight Hiluxes (two each of four different models) travelled at top speeds for a period of 72 hours, stopping only to refuel, change drivers and to occasionally change tyres and oil. The result was conclusive, with all eight vehicles coming home and setting 89 speed and distance records.

CEO of Toyota South Africa, Dr. Johan van Zyl, pointed out that the Toyota Hilux has been the top-selling one-ton bakkie in South Africa for 29 of the 33 years it has been on the local market, with sales exceeding 620 000 units since 1969.

"We believe by establishing the first endurance records for this type of vehicle we have once again set a new industry benchmark for Hilux, as Toyota South Africa heads for its 24th consecutive year as market leader," he said.

"The Hilux epitomises Toyota's core values of QDR – quality, durability and reliability – and we believe that by setting all these endurance records we have further entrenched these important values in the eyes of our customers and the public at large. An exciting, high profile activity such as setting the first-ever endurance speed records for commercial vehicles with Hilux also continues the theme of our current marketing campaign 'Are you ready for pure exhilaration?' that echoes the 'New Era' at Toyota South Africa," concluded Dr. van Zyl.

Editorial contact

C-Cubed Communications
Petra Peacock
Tel: (011) 794-4665

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